Center for Electrified and
Automated Trucking (CEAT)
CEAT is an Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
Our mission is to address challenges faced by the freight, logistics and original equipment manufacturing related industries in the areas of electrification, automated operation, supply-chain and human factors through pre-competitive research.
Some Challenges:
Driver shortage and training
Driver fatigue and hours of service limits
Complex, varying, and ineffective regulations
Crash deaths and injuries
Supply chain delays and disruptions
Electric charging and hydrogen fueling infrastructure
Increasing fuel prices and shortages
Durability, safety, reliability of electrified vehicles
Real-world testing and validation
Unknown future emissions regulations
Technician training and shortage
What is an IUCRC?

An IUCRC operates as a consortium integrating industry, government, and academia. The industrial community includes major corporations, middle market companies, small businesses and startups; public participants may range from local governments to divisions of federal agencies. These stakeholders partner to advance critical technologies from early stage research to the marketplace. The membership fees support research projects conducted by university faculty and students. NSF provides funding for operations and a governance framework for membership, operations, and evaluation.

Source: nsf.gov
We are currently soliciting feedback from industry to assist us in refining our portfolio of relevant research projects to present for funding. These projects will be presented at the center’s kickoff meeting, to be held in Memphis on October 17th and 18th, 2024, where industry members will rank these projects and determine funding for the selected projects. To learn more about the meeting, look on our Events page.